This is one of our AI powered, auto-tracking Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) which will detect humans and vehicles and track the target within the cameras range of motion.
Our AI detection can be set to only detect humans, vehicles, or both which eliminates 99% false alarms. Too many false alerts often causes people to simply ignore or turn off their notifications which is not ideal.
This camera system also features Active Deterrents. When triggered, red/blue strobe lights flash and the camera emits an audible warning telling the intruder they are being watched.
Our most popular and effective camera for less than you would imagine.
4K (8MP) video at night under any lighting conditions
Advanced AI can recognize humans, vehicles, animals and other objects to be detected or excluded. Onboard Active Deterrent red/blue strobe and siren will attract attention intruders would prefer to avoid. Two way communication through the camera.
Can be professionally monitored through our monitoring partner, GlobalLink.
From large enterprises to small local businesses, from simple camera solutions for small offices to complex enterprise class video systems for large campuses.